This page contains a list of problems that I had with LaTeX in the process of writing my thesis. If you have answers to any of the unanswered ones please email me!
Non-fixed width flowing column in the tabular environment
What I want to do is something like
\begin{tabular}{llp}and have the third column fill the rest of the available width with text flowing within it. But I can't trivially do this with the tabular environment AFAICT...
Update -- Nathan says that the answer to this one is tabularX. I haven't got round to looking at it yet...
Footnotes in tables
A bit of playing with google gave me the answer to this one -- you use \footnotemark and \footnotetext{}. If you're lucky LaTeX will then put the table underneath your footnote. Saying "\begin{table}[h]" helped (i.e. it moved the table, and also moved another table onto the page, which it then put underneath the footnote. Clever LaTeX. It's called a FOOTnote because it goes at the FOOT of the page, you know...
Small fractions
\def\sfrac#1#2{{\textstyle\frac{#1}{#2}}}You need the extra pair of braces to limit the scope of the \textstyle command.
eps images with their tops aligned
\begin{figure} \begin{minipage}[t]{.49\textwidth} \vspace{0pt} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig1.eps} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{.49\textwidth} \vspace{0pt} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig2.eps} \end{minipage} \caption{OMG WTF?} \end{figure}
Sideways tables over multiple pages
\begin{landscape} \tablecaption{Cross-identification and photometry of all stellar sources} \tablehead{\hline\hline Blah & blah & blah & \\\hline} \tabletail{\hline} \begin{supertabular}{lllllllllllllllllllll} \input{table.txt} \end{supertabular} \end{landscape}