A picture of a star

Eggleton Code Notes

This is a page on which I may place miscellaneous notes about the Eggleton Stellar Evolution Code

INE, DINE, etc.

(neglecting funcs2...)
DIFRNS places current (after increment) values of H and values of DH in INF and DINF.
FUNCS1 calculates functions of the variables needed and places them in OUTF (and abundances in ABUND).
DIFRNS then perturbs the values of the variables and FUNCS1 recalculates the functions, the perturbed versions of which are stored in DINE.
EQUNS turns quantities in INE into equations which are then stored in OUTE.

Some useful gnuplot commands for stars output

q vs P
plot 'plot.1' u (($44-$6)/$6):45 w l
q vs R2/a
plot 'plot.2' u ($6/($44-$6)):(exp($3/.43429-(.666*log($45)+0.3333*log($44)+1.4322546))) w l

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